Or What Takes Your Life Time? Me working for fun at StartupWeekend in Ogden, Utah. Yup, that's a paper towel in my hair. I work a lot. Those very closest to me say I'm a bit obsessed and they're somewhat right. I have the opportunity to take something I got into and was good at to the things I love and care about in the world. This gets me goin' -motivates me through creative blocks, emotional downtimes and helps me to strive to do better work, smarter work, more work. You get the picture. There's been trip ups and errors, but it all started when I was a kid. We all had our own world when we were little (as far as I can tell) and when I was little, my world was super serious, creative, social, motivating and a lot of fun... Little Jenni Mason I can remember wanting a briefcase. I saw one recently on a Netflix series and had that childlike urge - for a briefcase? I smiled thinking of what I was like. I made up my own homework and did it over and...
Writings and artwork from Jennifer Lynn Mitchell. Purpose - Clean Earth - We the People - My Adventures - My Stories