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Showing posts from April, 2016

Birthday Month!

It's my birthday this month and I'm thinking of what to do.  S hould I do something bold? Last year, I mixed the different groups of my life. Friends, family, clients and associates came to my pool house for some great food (provided by Good Day Catering ) and I honestly wasn't sure if it was a great idea or a terrible one. All I knew was, I felt so proud of the work we'd done and where I'd come from in terms of people and relationships that I really wanted to celebrate. I wanted the people I care for to meet and mingle, knowing full well what was happening in terms of success that was heading our way. This year, I feel a bit differently.  My life is incredibly fulfilling, exciting and rich with experience. My girls and I enjoy freedom and each other and my colleagues and I are building empires out of sheer will and imagination applied through business, talent and networks of other great people and I'm thinking of telling my story. Don't be shocked....