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Showing posts from 2020

Less and More

This episode is about how to take responsibility for your own actions. About not asking for help unless you're in true need. Don't live off the people and systems meant to be a bridge and live well - better than many working, and for sure don't keep accepting help from those who you live better than.  We have an unprecedented time of change - and every tool and resource we need to make things happen. At least until a really big solar flare - but I digress... Work hard, play a lot and enjoy the life you've built and are building, for yourself and your family. That's what this episode is all about.   Check out this episode!

Stop Being So F*!%ing Lazy

Give my new podcast a listen - this episode is from today, 11/6/2020. 

A Tidbit / Self Development

This is a draft of an old post I never published. Guess I'll share it now. :) Becoming a fully formed adult at work requires a ton of patience, due diligence, patience and tenacity. I'm not there yet but, "I'm gettin' better at it." In the past 20 years, I've started, became and conquered a lot. I can proudly say I've done things that I cried my way into, knowing I was not yet enough but still steady and bullish enough to say I would get there in the time slotted. I feel the next chapter brewing, so I'll quip in here to say-read on, be healthy and I look forward to sharing some more things. Try not to judge too much, I change quick and it won't do you too much good. Also, don't believe anything I say is true. Who knows? Just sharing and opening a dialogue with some of my favorite people.