February 23, 2011 by jenniferlynnmason Leave a Comment There was an article today on MSN’s Wonderwall about George Clooney not going into politics. Apparently he feels that “I drank the bong water” isn’t a good campaign slogan. What does this mean and is it true? I am setting up this blog and will be putting out other materials asserting that not only would the George Clooney’s of the world make good political leaders, but that they are in fact the type of people the populace needs as a voice. The word politics makes me feel like I should go wash my mouth out, but after reading the article about Clooney, I swallowed hard and looked the word up. Not surprising what I found, just appalled at what we as a global citizenship have allowed it to mutate into. Politics: “of, by or for the citizens” Sounds familiar. What are “the citizens?” Is it just Americans? The globe? Cultures we can communicate with or that we must interact with? By any standard, before the last Presidential el...
Writings and artwork from Jennifer Lynn Mitchell. Purpose - Clean Earth - We the People - My Adventures - My Stories