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George Clooney-Not for politics?

February 23, 2011 by jenniferlynnmason Leave a Comment

There was an article today on MSN’s Wonderwall about George Clooney not going into politics. Apparently he feels that “I drank the bong water” isn’t a good campaign slogan. What does this mean and is it true? I am setting up this blog and will be putting out other materials asserting that not only would the George Clooney’s of the world make good political leaders, but that they are in fact the type of people the populace needs as a voice.

The word politics makes me feel like I should go wash my mouth out, but after reading the article about Clooney, I swallowed hard and looked the word up. Not surprising what I found, just appalled at what we as a global citizenship have allowed it to mutate into. Politics: “of, by or for the citizens”

Sounds familiar. What are “the citizens?” Is it just Americans? The globe? Cultures we can communicate with or that we must interact with?

By any standard, before the last Presidential election, George Clooney would have been considered more of a global force than any of the candidates. He’s made more money than many, traveled the globe and had to learn a long list of persona’s for his roles in Hollywood. His works influence the masses that watch them. How does this not make a good “of, by and for the people” type leader? Is there really a stigma that if you participated in activities that were illegal or considered immoral by some that you are incapable of leading? If that is so, I’d argue that if we could get a realistic accountability rundown, there would be a mass exodus from political offices around the globe. I argue that the difference between a modern day politician and a leader who ‘can’t’ go in to politics is in part the willingness of either to lie about experiences.

Tell the truth. Do it and watch what happens. You will get in more trouble than those willing to lie or manipulate. You will probably have less financially and you will likely lose friends or family when you are honest about everyday experiences. The role of the citizen, however, is to be that person who is willing to do and be what they are because it is furthering them in their life. If this path leads them into a position of influence, there shouldn’t be a need to part from reality in order to capitalize on or educate about the experiences that were had. In fact, it is likely that how you dealt with reality that got you to a position of influence. Sharing these lessons can help others that are on a similar life path further their progress-maybe even sans a few mistakes.

Also, I enjoy freedoms and nice things, but in America, we have been aware of ridiculous government spending and programs for a long time now. We have movies that make fun of the prices paid for government items. Men In Black comes to mind right off, but there are hundreds I’m sure. Also- jokes. I read one the other day that compared the annual tax on an average citizen’s salary to the price of a toilet seat at the Pentagon. We have the right to laugh at government spending, even to be proud and boastful if we so choose. We have the right to let it continue or to demand that it stop. What we do not have, however, is the right to laugh at it, allow it to continue and demand that the socially responsible programs, education systems and court systems get adequate funding as well. If we want to let Washington just go on and do what they are doing, what we need is an alternative to their taking care of the most important aspects of our social structure. Education; housing; food and basic medical for everyone. If we are going to let NASA run to space and back, spend $11 million to develop the space pen (Russia used a pencil), house museums and the like to pay their missions homage-fine, but let’s do the nitty gritty ourselves. Hollywood types, sport heroes and musicians-come help, we need it! Come speak, we want to be motivated in fun ways, not just by the clashing of political agendas. Come lead-you know how to orchestrate hundreds to get something done, so let’s do it in the parts of our world that need the most help. Run for office! Let’s get some non politicians into politics at the highest of levels and let’s transmute what we have into something greater. You don’t always have to tear down the old to have new! Whether we are screw ups, screw offs or just the good ‘ol fashioned type that likes people for people let’s not judge others that are willing and able to do their part.

Let’s get moving again! Build up the amazing, albeit the bit spoiled foundation that we have. On a global level, people are all fired up, but let’s not tear down what has value, let’s elaborate on it. Let us outdo ourselves time and again.

Let’s not fight with the powers that be, let us become the powers that be.


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