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Legacy Land Flipping or, Making a Landslide of Money Doing Great Things

Announcing the Legacy Land Flipping program. Like the Carlton Sheets of the 21st Century, I'll be showing you how to take property with little to no value, and flip it for large multiples of your costs.

I'm Jennifer and I'll be your guide. This is my blog, full of opinions and concepts, but this ones one that I've been waiting years to introduce. We didn't have all the components in place, didn't have all the right people, so I had my work to do but... It's time. I'm going to show you, simply put, how to make a big pile or lots of piles of money, taking on land or water that no one wants, then fixing it easily for huge returns.

I know, I hear it. It sounds too good to be true, but it's not. We're doing it now with government and private entities - fixing land for big gains. And it's fast, organic and anyone - I truly mean anyone - can do it. Here's how...

In 2014, I went to the Governor's Energy Summit in Salt Lake City, at the Salt Palace, to meet the President of the Clean Tech Open, the delightful Mr. Dick Franklin. Little did I know, it'd change my life. I was able to get in without paying the many hundreds of dollars, without really trying, so I'd also say that as I put on my assigned name badge and collected my tote for spiffs, I was already winning.

I was there for a purpose, but figured I'd take some time to walk the booths. There were hundreds, filled with all sorts of ideas for energy savings. I also met people like Audi Awapooh of the Navajo Nation and other organizations and individuals, like Scott Dwire's associates, who'd continue as part of my story until present day. During lunch, I sat with Dick Franklin and Bob Anderson, newly in from Denver with Dorsey Whitney - I still love that guys bright smile and disposition. We talked through the challenges of the clean technology incubator and the other individuals around us at the table chatted excitedly about their innovations and how they were going to pitch them to Utah, and our growing market. Sully the caterer still had the contract for lunch at the Salt Palace back then, and it was a fantastic one. The Governor provided salads, a great meal with dessert and full service for those thousands in attendance, it was impressive. Just as I was finishing my meal, a hushed tone took over the table and the happy chatter dropped to a whisper as the Governor took the stage. Honestly, I'd been pretty interested at the details I was hearing from the scientists and innovators at my table, so I really wasn't listening to the Governor speak as I was handed a USB drive. On it, was the coponents of the Governor's next ten year plan for Utah and clean technology. In this little drive was the plan for energy, proudly announced to those now crippled audience members, who were staring at the drive with a disappointed depression. 

"I don't really know why I came" and "How are they going to include my projects if there's already a plan?" took over the table. Gone was the optimistic conversations of just minutes before, replaced with whispered anger. A few gentleman at the table excused themselves, and more around the room followed suit. It was clear, they thought they'd been asked here for help and they felt duped. I joined them, and went home to think about all that had happened.

Since that day, I turned my life of business development and marketing into a robust group of businesses, campaigns and upcoming non-profits. I help get the ideas I heard started and work to support those who do the work. This is where you come in. 

When I started, I was a single, self-employed mom with two young daughters. I'd also had a streak of not-so-great luck and I kinda sucked at life. I was productive, cooked and did school with my kids, but that's about where it stopped. I wasn't focused and I wasn't happy, then, I met Sustainability and Clean Tech. Sustainability is past recycling, it's processes that can or do self-sustain or promote the longevity of our lives, and lifestyles. Sustainability means cheaper materials that are a lot better for us and the planet, while also being simple to start using. I chose to start with the ground beneath our feet and the water we are composed of, and for that we use SoilMix and WaterMix. I'm once again a single, self-employed mom, but my focus is there. My purpose is clear and there's no turning back. I see what we can do. What we've done. I know where I'm headed.

Your opportunity is to find water or soil -or both- that need fixing. Say it's been over-farmed or has an oil spill - we got it! With SoilMix and WaterMix, we can clear algae, heavy metals of most types, chemicals by rendering them inert, and the whole chain of hydrocarbons. In the next couple of steps, we'll outline how simple it is to get started, and then provide a way for you to get all the in-depth details you need to get started right away. And don't forget - you're doing an amazing thing here! We'll be using an organic product that uses biology and mycology to return the nutrients, life and water to the soil. We'll also treat waterways without mechanical processes and heavy equipment. You'll be using a mix-and-spray product that is safe for people, animals, bees and plant life. The only creatures that seem not to like it are mosquito. They really don't like to live where we are because the water is clean, but we think that's okay, too. 

Here's what you'll look for, or do:

Find property that has contamination of some sort, water on it is a bonus


Find farmland that's not producing

Get any information you can and message me or email Natura Solve at gmail dot com for the next steps and a Legacy Land Playbook. It outlines the components of treatment and resources for you to use. It's free for now, but that's going to change soon here, soon. I'm wanting to get you involved before I bring it to the market. 

Got questions? I'd love to answer them. I'm ridiculously excited to introduce you to this program and look forward to rejuvenating the Earth - all while we build legacies for ourselves and the generations behind us. I love this planet, the bugs and the flowers, fruits, veggies and people. Thanks for taking the time to read through this post - hit me up and let's get you started!

Check out for some examples of our work. 


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