A woman I never really liked much once talked to me about my personal story. She was a sales manager and was telling me how she helps to flush out each of her sales persons' personal story to help them be more productive sales reps. I don't recall why she went into the topic, but I do remember thinking.... If you knew mine, I wouldn't be sitting here as part of your executive team. See, I loved her idea and believe in what she was saying, but at the time... My personal story may have been too much for a fellow Executive team member. You see, I'm not... Normal. Since then and until now, I've revisited the thought and know the sales manager was right, but I'm afraid. It's my story. It's personal . Seems obvious I know, but share yours. You know, that one that one truest to reality and not filtered by your ego or personal wants and needs. If I can digress...In the realm of marketing in business and personal promotion, your personal story is onl...