A woman I never really liked much once talked to me about my personal story. She was a sales manager and was telling me how she helps to flush out each of her sales persons' personal story to help them be more productive sales reps. I don't recall why she went into the topic, but I do remember thinking.... If you knew mine, I wouldn't be sitting here as part of your executive team. See, I loved her idea and believe in what she was saying, but at the time... My personal story may have been too much for a fellow Executive team member.
You see, I'm not... Normal. Since then and until now, I've revisited the thought and know the sales manager was right, but I'm afraid. It's my story. It's personal. Seems obvious I know, but share yours. You know, that one that one truest to reality and not filtered by your ego or personal wants and needs.
If I can digress...In the realm of marketing in business and personal promotion, your personal story is only the first part of the equation. That's what I was missing... What I didn't know was that the second part is appealing to those in the same or similar life group. Finding your people. Appealing to those that want to work with and be around you. Following that, we should develop an ability to work with and to promote the needs of those around us as well.
This post, then, will be
about taking your personal story out of the past and into your everyday.
Maybe I'm wrong, but not everyone seems to like my personal story. Take my dad, for example. Love him and he's an amazing father. He taught me bravery and compassion for strangers, among many other things, and has been a meaningful and at times a very challenging part of my life. He, however, is likely not a big fan of my personal story. Not to say he doesn't love me, it's not the same thing, but my personal story is bold, racy and filled with inconsistent decision making. "Consistently inconsistent" is what my dad calls it and, unfortunately for me, there isn't and ADD/ADHD diagnosis to fall back on. I just am what I am like everyone else and that's led me to certain places and situations. This means a few things, but one of those is my wide and sweeping career path. I'm a communicator, I'm flexible (in thinking, like I mentioned above) and I have the ability to see and project value. I am multi-dynamic.
Why is this important? It's the core of my story, just like the corresponding definition of another is in their world. Like yourself definition is in yours. It’s how we have the incredible opportunities we do. It's how we interact and develop. How we receive and reject others.
Developing my personal story has enabled me to advance in my career and personal life in many realms. I'd like to share some of it now and invite you to comment or share as well.
First off....
I don't believe in
revolution, but I am a solid believer in evolution.
In the next few posts, I want to go a bit deeper into my personal story and the basics of developing your own to use in business or personal promotion for internal or external reasons. I won't put too much personal info here, but will develop it more in a second arena if the details appeal to you.
For now, sit back and think about those things you repeat over and again about yourself to others. What stories, heartbreaks and successes do you share?
Write them down and I'm going to show you something interesting about perspective.
To take your personal past and apply it to the everyday, we must:
Recognize how we view our past. Is it positive, negative or indifferent? Is it cloudy or vibrant?
How do we feel about our present and do we rely on what was to exist in the now? If so, what attributes do you have that you can highlight today through action, a photo, a journal entry or a phone call?
How can you transmute your thoughts of what could be into reality in the same way you transmute the thoughts of what was into today?
Let's find out together... Send me a message, reply or just jot your reply down. More tomorrow.
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