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Showing posts from September, 2014

My Company, an IVCC Grant EOI Submission or Today in News

Good morning. Just wanted to share the news . We look forward to the coming weeks and have a lot more in the works in the fields of water remediation, energy sustainability and agriculture. It's a privilege to be working on such great projects, let us know if you see something you'd like to work on. We are always looking for good, dedicated talent. Here is to a clean earth solution , one evolution at a time.

Past My Limit or Internal Lies. Three tips on personal motivation.

Every time I say to myself that I have reached my limit or that I'm past my limit, I have the instant emotional response that it's just not true. Like most, throughout my life I've had a variety of experiences, some pretty harsh trials and many lessons in endurance and perseverance. Here's a few tips on how to keep going when you feel there is no possible way you can. 1. Ignore reality. Not completely, but in some ways ignore the elements that make you feel there is no way out. Relationships that are ending, finances that are drained and the faith of others in your talents that has just run out are all real and actual problems. In personal and professional realms, there are times when you just can't see moving forward nor feel you have the strength to do so. I suggest you ignore it a little and get out of your current perspective. I can recall the day I drove into Millcreek Broadcasting, a small Utah radio group, to apply for a job. At twenty two I hadn't h...

New Paradigms and Marketing, Five Tips to Getting Started

"I've got a great idea!" It's a common statement in my world and it's typically followed up with a "If you'll just sign this non-disclosure agreement, I'll be happy to tell you what it is." Although I had those days of feeling the need to protect my new idea, latest draft or someones technology, I would not suggest it even if you are new. Here's the thing... One. The likelihood is that is you are approaching an inverstor, marketer or potential partner and they don't want to steal your idea. This is not to say it isn't a great one, but it does mean that you will be limiting your ability to move forward if you ask individuals to take your word that it is in fact new and worth bringing to fruition. Bringing a product to market is hard and typically, the Universe tends to give the same or similar ideas to multiple people at the same time. This happens for a variety of reasons like social need or popular culture but from initial id...

Mosquito abatement and the news

It is so rewarding to watch news that's good for our Earth spread around the golbe. It's only been a few hours and already, we have great syndication on an article about testing and studies on mosquito, malaria, West Nile and more. With so much on the lone around the globe, it's an honor to have the opportunity to present such positive messaging. We will be adding much to this first release shortly and would appreciate your sharing, following, liking and interaction. Together, we can move forward in areas long an issue and focus on new and pressing matters. We at the Web of Allies are proud to be bringing you this news, please feel free to comment or send us your feedback - it is invaluable and we appreciate the time. Utah marketing firm testing of mosquito abatement product

A Career Becomes a Mission

or Rants, Chance and Grants "What are we going to do about it?" I complained. I'm not sure which time I'm referring to here, but I've said that - a lot. Even though I always felt I was doing something, I was never quite sure what it was. I was busy. I did a lot of stuff. Consistently inconsistent, my dad calls it and until recently, I agreed fully. "Well, what are 'ya gonna do?" my mother's family would chime in when my mom voiced a concern. Though they had seen and been through much, their lackadaisical attitude always put go getters like my mother and myself a little on edge. "Something", I'd reply internally anytime I heard such statements, but also knew my rants were somewhat the same. If you've known me long, you'll know reading, writing and study come as often as sleep, work and visiting. I'm infinitely curious and topics of interest vary widely. With a focus on learning and communicating, stimulated by...