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Showing posts from December, 2014

Headed to 2015 or Let's Get this Party Started!

I'm so excited for 2015! Though I've loved what I do since I started marketing, I've literally never been so excited about the road ahead. I've spent the past year learning about green technology, further defining my career goals and getting to know a wide range of individuals and organizations around the globe. I've mentored, joined collaborative events and expanded my view of what's possible and now it's time to truly put the lessons to work. The sun is setting on 2014 If you know me, you know that almost every conversation I have includes my marketing company, my clients or the implications of what is possible for the globe if we keep moving forward and continue to develop as individuals. With the incredible amount of information available and the now trendy focus on community, collaboration and sustainability, I feel there has never been a better time for me. This week, I've put out a calendar of events, promotions and opportunities that ex...

Creative Content Creation or Ideal Marketing

We've all done it. We're watching a movie on tv, fully engrossed on the visual reality being performed for us. Lost in the fictional world, our environment drops from consciousness, pulling us into the scene and into the lives of the characters. We sit - motionless - waiting for what's next and then... A commercial happens. The same is true with radio. These and other mediums that seek to use entertainment to get us 'tuned in' so they can sell advertising space to those who know what we're like and what we may want or need based on what we're watching. This is their business and can be a key to growing yours. True to the human species, this is just not good enough. We grumble and complain, disappointed in the break and upset that we have to put up with the ads that technically provide the opportunity for the content - that show we were enjoying. Though there are many incredible and fun advertisements out there, the reality is that most businesses doesn...