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Showing posts from 2018

Reality and Brilliant Marketing or Can Fathers Really Sing?

"Father of 6 gets standing ovation" was a title I read on a video in a mainstream news channel this morning. Hm.. Why would that be announced like that ? If it was Kelly Clarkson or Imagine Dragons, they'd use "Their Name (real or created)... gets standing ovation" though that isn't considered noteworthy so it likely wouldn't be printed. As marketers, we use whatever seems to stand out . Does talent and ability really seem an odd combination if one's a parent? From there, I analyzed it -probably too much. The cliche thoughtforms created by brilliant marketers about "common" lifestyles and it's broad implications had to be typed out, lest I keep obsessing. In regards to this thoughform - a dad - of 6, no less!! - can sing? Can sing good enough for a standing ovation? In life, we decide what to do with talents but singing to your kids or neighbors is no less talented or beautiful than singing center stage in Madison Square Garden - ...

My Uncientific Thought of the Day or The Oyster and the Egg

4-28-2018 8:18 am I woke up with this thought. Let’s compare the egg to the oyster, where the yolk is like a pearl, the mussel like the waters upon the face of the earth and the shell like the darkness that surrounded it. A n expanse can’t be an expanse without expanding, so…. What if the expansion and contraction just rubbed and agitated that edge each had between their separation and a substance like the oils of a mussel was generated due to the infinitesimally small space between slowly building a cold energy. The first interaction happens as the expanse expands, becoming colder and then warm, waters respond, collapsing a little in on themselves due to the offset and the speed of the expanse changes a minutia due to the relatively slight change in comparative warmth. The waters become the yolk, the expanse of darkness becomes the encapsulating whites and the edge of the void, ever rippling out of perfect and ideal accord - due to that first ripple, th...