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Showing posts from November, 2011

My School and I Moves forward

My School and I is a business being built to fund schools from the inside out. With the help of consumers, we can fund, grow and sustain our schools and quality of education. The business idea has been in development for some time now and partnerships are being formed. What can you do to help? Help me by visiting the site, sending me the contact information for your school's district or for your charter school and by buying through the links on the My School and I domain. Soon there will be another link where individuals will be able to sign up for their own page, get a log in for the school purse and earn money for themselves! Thank you for your support while we grow and watch for upcoming evolutions to help fund our schools and families!

The Final Push_A Countdown to the Transitional 2012

It's Black Friday and now there is a push of energy until the end of the year. Self assigned and socially instituted goals and timelines impact us all as we rush to the finish-whatever that finish may be. Maybe it's Christmas or the New Year. Maybe it's finishing projects that have been put in motion. Perhaps it's finishing up with a cycle. Regardless of the goal, here are a few tips that might help out in the final days of 2011. Keep your cool . If you get wound up or feel anxious and pressured, do things consciously to remind you to stay cool . It doesn't really matter what would potentially happen if you don't, it's what won't happen that matters here. You meeting your goal. Since everyone learns differently, think about your personality and what you respond to and get creative.      For a:      Physical person , get a stone or crystal that represents calm or happiness and keep it in your pocket everyday. Don't have a pocket? Keep it where...

Being Thankful to Your Food _ or _ How Our Energy Affects the Outcome

When we cook, we should be grateful for the turkey we have, the vegetables that were picked for our enjoyment and the fresh beverages that wash it all down.  Why, though?  Is it because we feel for the turkey who died or are we to be grateful it had the opportunity to be consumed and provide us with vital energy? Either way, how we feel and how we treat our foods tends to affect the outcome, the taste and the overall enjoyment of our food. Perhaps it's because our subtle energies affect the subtle energies around us.  Maybe it's because if we are paying attention to what we are preparing, we do it more carefully, with conscious effort and the result is better. Either or both ways, our gratitude affects our meal, the people we share it with and the holiday or occasion on which we were brought together for such an opportunity.  I am at anothers' house this holiday season so I will be preparing little, but when I cut up my fruit for the traditional fruit salad (Chec...