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The Final Push_A Countdown to the Transitional 2012

It's Black Friday and now there is a push of energy until the end of the year. Self assigned and socially instituted goals and timelines impact us all as we rush to the finish-whatever that finish may be. Maybe it's Christmas or the New Year. Maybe it's finishing projects that have been put in motion. Perhaps it's finishing up with a cycle. Regardless of the goal, here are a few tips that might help out in the final days of 2011.

Keep your cool.
If you get wound up or feel anxious and pressured, do things consciously to remind you to stay cool . It doesn't really matter what would potentially happen if you don't, it's what won't happen that matters here. You meeting your goal. Since everyone learns differently, think about your personality and what you respond to and get creative.
     For a:
     Physical person, get a stone or crystal that represents calm or happiness and keep it in your pocket everyday. Don't have a pocket? Keep it where you put your cell phone, you are bound to find it there.
     Visual person, put up a screensaver with the symbol that stands for focus or wealth and register what it means to you, say it out loud even, a few times a day.

Know what you want.
     You can't just do what feels right at the moment if you want to go to a particular place or feel a certain way. You also can't control the process. All you can do is decide where you'd like to go, imagine you are there and attempt to visualize and feel what it would feel like, then relax and trust in the process. Remind yourself periodically and keep on try to use the same or similar visualizations. 

Trust in the process.
     Yes, it was just mentioned, but this can be a difficult part. Know what the ultimate goal is and trust. Trust the universe and your environment to enable your success. Yes, you have to. No, it's not just because the all is more powerful than any individual part. It's because we are dynamic and complex individuals who require a multitude of energies and forces to do anything of magnitude. If you have a hard time:
     Remember back to a time when someone was there for you. That individual that was nice when you needed it or the person that pulled you through or out of a hard time. Dwell on it a while and pay attention to how it makes you feel. Thank your universe for always being there for you. It is.

Be kind.
     No matter your mood, your goals, your responsibilities or pressures, try to take into consideration that others have their internal anxiety as well. Be kind and help when possible and when it will not interfere with your goals. By focusing on your goals in this way, you realize how there really is a Virtue to Selfishness but only where it concerns your true core self. The little things are everything else. Enjoy your life, the good will come if you let it.

Give Thanks for Accomplishment.
Considering that we ask the universe for insight, assistance, mercy, justice and other things, it seems right that we also give thanks when we complete a task, finish up with a goal or feel fantastic in a moment. Let the feeling overcome you and say thanks to the many ways you are affected and the energy that went into it. For bonus points, breathe deeply and smile while saying your thanks.


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