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Pronia or... Rob Brenzy

Those who know me  may know I'm a huge fan of Rob Brenzy. The always enlightening Free Will Astrology site has been a part of my week on and off for over thirteen years now. With his idea that the world is conspiring to shower me with blessings, I dove into a mind transforming book of his when I was twenty one. With that in mind, I'd like to make quick mention of living with the conscious intention of becoming your truest, most incredible self without fear.
I hate to even type the word 'fear' so I'll avoid it for the rest of this post. I will, however, pay a lot of attention to the thought of those around me becoming their truest self. It would be amazing, really. It's as though some are still hiding from 'they' that would not want them to really be (Not sure who 'they' are, but their work is impressive:). Some start forgetting until they feel that the super hero self they knew as a kid was a fantasy. Like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. With the depression that follows, there is a period of mid-life, where panic sets in and an ego driven self emerges to show you've still got 'it' - only you don't quite recall what 'it' was.
Remember! The world knows what you are and gives signs-sometimes those as brazen as those you see in movies. We interact with all of the people and things around us. On many levels, we tell others who we are and what we are about. On fine levels like scent and non verbal communication to our out loud selves like our opinions or visual appearance. When you live in a conscious awareness of what you are and perhaps what you'd like to be, you have an opportunity to express yourself to your environment and your Universe. When you get dressed, think of the colors and what they might mean to you. When you talk, try to speak as you'd like to be heard (I struggle with this one). Live to consciously be your best self so far and you'll attract the things in life that will feed and tintilate that persona.
Rob Brenzy also provided the name for this blog - the Web of Allies is a link he has and one that I've used many times on my crazy train to self development. It's a concept that to me means that there are some out there with abilities, talents and knowledge that are not afraid to be open, promote others and share.
I invite you to send any questions you may have or opportunities to interact. I'm working at building an event in my Sugarhouse office once to twice a month for idea sessions, networking and eating delicious foods from my mom's catering company. Let me know if you'd like to join us!


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