Imagine you are driving down a long, flat road. It has a steep hill in the distance and nothing but the past stretching far behind you. Maybe there is someone with you, perhaps you have only the conversation in your head to keep you company. No matter - your cruising along, wind running up your forearm, angled perfectly to hit your face. The sun is warm and the cruise control has you covered - your biggest problem is a slight boredom. With the radio up to keep your mind at bay (take note for future reference), you don't hear the slight whimper coming from your car. The picture of what you've left behind or what compels you forward is perfectly covering your emergency warning light. With not a car in sight for hours, your feeling of freedom is waiting for the moment about to come, your senses heighten and you mistake precognition for a rush of energy. But no, reality is a winner and it makes no mistake in taking you out at the height of your feeling. Shot down, the car is no ...
Writings and artwork from Jennifer Lynn Mitchell. Purpose - Clean Earth - We the People - My Adventures - My Stories