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Happy Holidays all around!

What a great holiday season it was! This year, we saw the return of "hustling and bustling" for the season, but once Christmas Eve got here, almost everyone has reported an incredible holiday and a rekindling of some kind. Old traditions, family in from unexpected places and a genuine feeling of togetherness.
As the new year approaches, excitement and anticipation for what's next is building. Many seeds have been planted and most are ready to work for the changes they'd like to see in their world. New areas of study and health are opening up and the sciences are parallelling other areas of research. The arts are seeing an infusion of spirit and industrious designs are creeping into fashion.
On a personal level, 2011 is going to be a year of challenges and opportunity. The sustainable funding program that I have developed with help from a few kind volunteers has seen huge growth in it's PR audience, new partnerships are forming and we are moving ahead with a temporary website until funding to finish the software is aquired. As for the marketing arena, Wisdom Teeth Only is growing online and we are looking forward to the possibility of producing some viral video ads with Flying Leap Films. Also, Body Complete Now will be coming online, hopefully mid-January, watch for these all natural and inexpensive products to help you save money on your personal care items.
As December winds to a close, I am winding up for a fantastic year. I am greatful to my family and friends, my allies in both business and social outings and wish you all the best in the coming times.


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