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Just when you think it can't get any better....

It does. So much so, in fact, that it's hard to decide where is an appropriate place to start. On a professional level, I've had a lot of really dynamic experiences-from working in a home for the elderly to starting a WISP, a VoIP business opportunity, and a marketing consultation firm. I've learned how to handle massive responsibility, find resources when needed and have worked with people who were willing to pull me aside and generously point out my flaws. On a personal level, I've had existential experiences, some fascinating guides and a multitude of strangers who I've been able to engage on levels that I won't even try to post on this blog. That said, this past few months has provided me with a clarity and a focus that I haven't ever had... It's taken what was really great and made it phenomenal. Let me explain.
I've had a lot of work experience because I love to work, to learn and am unafraid of getting my hands dirty or of looking silly. While personally, it's very much the same way. I love people, their personal stories and I do what I can to help show people how brilliant and necessary they are. I've jumped off cliffs and been dropped from hundreds of feet. I've laid in a sarcophagi in Cairo and battled the monkeys at Malaysia's Batu caves. Though I always appreciated what was happening, it was moving quickly and I had little time to reflect or assess what could come of it in the future. Although the past three years have been of the most difficult in my life, my pace changed. It slowed. My focus changed, it turned inward. Balance and living consciously became a priority and in this past few months, I am delighted to say it's clear progress has been made.
All of my work is now benefiting from better personal decisions and vice versa. My daughters are incredibly intelligent, which was always clear, but our relationships have opened further, are working better for all of us and I am happy with my choices instead of feeling unsure. It's never easy to be a single parent, less so when you love to start businesses and travel the globe, but it has become clear how to find balance. I couldn't ask for anything more than I have been given. I will, but it wall all be gravy. I have fantastic relationships with even very difficult situations, have worked with some amazing caregivers and energies to add to what was and have so much, I keep thinking of "The Cup Overfloweth" as a symbol for how I feel. Clarity on purpose. Clarity on intent. Submission to the All that has created this incredible world and society.
Yes, life is hard-but I'm capable and resilient. Yup, there is much to be done and more to be learned, but I relish learning, doing. Opportunities are appearing in perfect time, synchronicity is happening with increasing regularity and in all, life is good.
Work hard, play well and benefit that which is good and right in this world. It makes what's great, even better.


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