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Three things I learned so far from a Utah CPA firm

I recently got the pleasure of working with Gary A York & Associates on a new website for their company. The project was fun to work on and the team of CPA's in the height of their tax season, were a delight to work with and a partner I look forward to building a long term relationship with. I learned a few things in my initial contact with them and though I'd mention them here.
One, although the focus was on the website, I learned a lot while working with Gary York and two of his team members-Krista and Laura. Order and a sound approach to website building is wonderful. They let me do what I do best and they interjected where it made sense and in ways that were meaningful to the project.
Two, financial planning is important. There are a lot of new information now running around in my head that will take me farther in business, personal and other realms as a result. I learned a lot just from the literature this Sugarhouse, Utah based firm puts out, our meetings and from doing research in their industry.
Three, awards and trophies matter. My daughter, Susan, has recently taken a liking to the idea of winning a trophy. While working with Gary A York & Associates, LLC, I learned that winning the awards, being a member of many professional organizations and the like is very important if done for the right reason.
Overall, this was just a fun and worthwhile project. If you need your taxes done (in any state and for all entity types), call on Gary A York at 800-645-78101. Look at their new website at


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