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Turn the Water Off While You Brush or Victory

Like all things, victory isn't a thing.

It's not an emotion, a goal or an item. Victory isn't just winning, in my opinion, Victory is the dash line of success that our efforts spin 'round and keep in line with. It's the goal we set, the steps we take to achieve and the plethora of other "things" that come along with it. Lessons learned, luck found, allies made. Victory has as much loss as reward, but in this space between our upheld arms, our thank you to the Universe for what we have been given and enabled to do, there is a channeling of a pure energy, an abundance we feel in that moment where we have come into what we had hoped for.

A couple weeks ago, I was in a heated discussion and some intense negotiations. It's not new, but some things I truly believe in and it became difficult to hold back. And I didn't. This, as much as tripping on stage, has a public embarrassment to it. I lost my cool, I know it and have been beating myself up internally for it since. Many "talks" have taken place in my mind, reminding me of how I would feel in the other position, what my mistakes were, where I could taken a different road in the conversation... Once I let it go, my partners laid into me. I was reminded of what we are all dealing with but also praised for my value and given the chance to come to some common ground in the topics that were the most tense. I did apologize and I did move forward and then, the Universe gave me the victory from even my low moment.

Victory can result in Gratitude

I was rewarded with a story similar to mine where a seasoned vet in the industry had recently lost his cool and eliminated an opportunity for the world-at least for now- but still. I felt terrible for this individual and my heart goes out to those who put themselves so far into their work that they forget about the exterior reality for a minute (or an hour) too long. However, even in loss, there can be Victory. Myself and others will pay attention and bring new projects to this wonderful person who also admitted the error and has tried to tie himself to a professional whipping post. His friends, his allies, refused the lashing and much like those I have the opportunity to work with, have merely reminded him of his value and their intention to continue to help channel the emotion into situations that will require the amount of passion befitting an extremist.

In the midst of all the work related stressors, I was recently going through a normal morning routine and listening to everyone get ready. Like most mom's, I can tell when we will be on time by the pace of showers, doors and breakfast. This particular morning, I noticed as my small family brushed their teeth. Though I have a pet peeve when it comes to the sound, I noticed something that, in my world, resembled Victory. The sink turned on, then off and teeth were brushed, without the running water!! It was like a reward for the years of getting after everyone to turn off the sink while they brush-it's a complete waste. Though they do it on occasion (mostly when they notice I'm nearby), on this day, they did it of and by themselves when I was in the kitchen, out of sight.


In a world where we are running low on water while those that have solutions clamor to make new laws and regulations in new arenas so that they can provide some assistance, my heart hurts to think of all of those who have lived with the reality of no water or no clean water their entire lives. It's not something a mother should have to think about every moment of her life and I hope to be of some help in this area because of my own love of life, people and progress. In my small part of the world, we work on it every day. If you will, while you brush, turn off the water.

Then brush, thinking of your ideal self and what victory feel like. Then look in your mirror and know that every day is Victory and the only limit to what that means is your perception of your ability to bring it about.

I was talking with one of smartest people I know yesterday and long term projects (not the same as goals) came up. "Even if you take twenty years to do it, if you just work at it a little all the time, it will get done." It seems like a simple concept, but it isn't. I have projects that have been waiting for a year (the book I'm writing with my mom) and seven years (iJar) so far to be complete. I work on them, I can't 100% of the time because of real life needs, but I plug away and stay dedicated to the vision. Different things in life can prevent us from our victories if we let them, but if we set it in our mind that we are going to work on something and plug at it because it's important, we will eventually be successful and in ways we can't consider if we aren't actively working. Keep going at a pace that your life allows and the small victories and great lessons will be a perfect guide.

Check out my latest victory! I started a video blog (at 3:03 AM no less) so that I can get moving on a YouTube Channel I've been meaning to start for years. Wish me luck!


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