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Why I dig this email campaign. 4 Reasons.

Need a bit of insight for holiday marketing? If you do online sales, here's a great way to get your email list working for you. If you don't have one of those yet or it's not compiled, get to work on it. Set a goal to have 20+ emails or some reasonable number and send a campaign. Send it each week to new sign ups and once a month to the whole list. Use these four insights from a great campaign to help craft the right messaging.

First, the email message, subject line and implied market was perfect. The busy, travelling female who struggles to have quality while flying. Great, super niche.

The email subject was just used for the opening line to get you into the message, which brought you to some great, easy email content.


"Don't let TSA Snag Your Favorite Products"
 plus their offer in quotes.

Offer is at the top of the imaging and the products are below the primary message/emotion:

"good style travels"

After they do an incredible job with the email, they go ahead and finish it up with a great, home page landing spot with all of their messaging reinforces and built for the promotion.

(If this sounds hard, it's not as hard as it was 3 years ago or ten for sure. It's gotten easier and is not like in the olden days of webmaster vs. sales.)

Their landing is on a simple, clean page.

The reasons I've outlined for loving this campaingn are:

1. The site's / landing page message matches the email campaign (seems obvious, but often missed or a topic of hot debate for development with old software and systems / programmers)

2. The catalyst is a sales tool in box 2. It helps make the buying decision.

3. Box 3 gives us testimonials in an easy and up-to-date manner.

4. There is an image of some general interest in the fold, requiring the target market to scroll to see more.

Just a slick campaign, thought I'd share for those entrepreneurs out there!


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