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Showing posts from 2016

Marketing Workshops Coming Right Up!

I've been asked quite a few times in the past year to do training sessions for companies, Chamber of Commerce and expo events and now, we have a home to do them consistently. The first session will be on November 16th and will focus on custom apps for your business and online optimization. These two mission critical topics will be discussed and you'll get some great materials to take with you as well as free and discounted resources. There's never been a time in my life where I haven't enjoyed public speaking. From getting lost at Johanna's Kitchen as a kid to speaking at the United Mosquito Abatement Association's annual event last year, there are not a lot of topics that scare me. It's pretty exciting to now have a home where I can teach whenever I want and I'd love your support for our first sessions. There will be an hour of training, a half hour of Q&A and you'll leave with step-by-step guides I've created to make your life easier and ...

Telling the Kids the Truth or Now Stop Talking

"I get it, your a badass." And I shut up. I'd just been through a minor ordeal with a strangers child and got pretty excitable about it. And then I kept going, like I tend to. Man, I love this guy for shutting me up right then. So, it's important (or more importanter) to look at why the lesson was there. That's the part I started to understand when I'd "kept going" but I should have internalized the experience, as I eventually did, and I'd have come out with an awesome message to share. Now I have two, but..... Be honest with kids. Like, really. Stay age appropriate in your choice of words, timing and tone but be honest with them. If there's a kid that's upset that age accounts for all, talk to them about that. Don't patronize them and try to pretend it's something else. Ageism sucks and I have to agree with them. However, regardless of stance, children embody what we are all supposed to look up to, right? Their purity,...

The Self Proclaimed Bad Ass Office or Kelli is Still Our Favorite

Funny story. It's about to be my 20th High School Reunion. To be honest, I wanted to go to Jordan, where my sister had gone and where all my friends went, but just before 9th grade, my family moved. When I got to Bingham, I was not comfortable most of the time and spent my fair share of the day getting teased and harassed by other students, ducking class to feel better about life and, in general, having a High School experience. I didn't care for pep rallies and football bothered me on financial principals but I managed to find a loophole, go to college and technically graduate early so I din't have to worry about it all too much. I had a full time job, had started a business that I would learn didn't suit me and I did stay in Debate, my favorite place, through the end of my high school days. Recently, I was on a social media page for our school and, since we hadn't found our Student Body in the many months we'd been looking for them and since someone had piped ...

Birthday Month!

It's my birthday this month and I'm thinking of what to do.  S hould I do something bold? Last year, I mixed the different groups of my life. Friends, family, clients and associates came to my pool house for some great food (provided by Good Day Catering ) and I honestly wasn't sure if it was a great idea or a terrible one. All I knew was, I felt so proud of the work we'd done and where I'd come from in terms of people and relationships that I really wanted to celebrate. I wanted the people I care for to meet and mingle, knowing full well what was happening in terms of success that was heading our way. This year, I feel a bit differently.  My life is incredibly fulfilling, exciting and rich with experience. My girls and I enjoy freedom and each other and my colleagues and I are building empires out of sheer will and imagination applied through business, talent and networks of other great people and I'm thinking of telling my story. Don't be shocked....