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The Self Proclaimed Bad Ass Office or Kelli is Still Our Favorite

Funny story. It's about to be my 20th High School Reunion. To be honest, I wanted to go to Jordan, where my sister had gone and where all my friends went, but just before 9th grade, my family moved. When I got to Bingham, I was not comfortable most of the time and spent my fair share of the day getting teased and harassed by other students, ducking class to feel better about life and, in general, having a High School experience. I didn't care for pep rallies and football bothered me on financial principals but I managed to find a loophole, go to college and technically graduate early so I din't have to worry about it all too much. I had a full time job, had started a business that I would learn didn't suit me and I did stay in Debate, my favorite place, through the end of my high school days. Recently, I was on a social media page for our school and, since we hadn't found our Student Body in the many months we'd been looking for them and since someone had piped in that I may be a good choice to throw a party, I said.. "Let's do it." Shortly after, there was a windfall of objections, insults and other hilarious comments but it taught me something great.

No one likes a self proclaimed bad ass.
Most everyone wants to be a bad ass.
You have to be willing to proclaim your bad-assery or allow it to be proclaimed. It's just one of those things.

Whether you want to be the best parent to your kids or the finest of stock brokers, people love the skill, expertise and confidence of someone who knows they are great. Think of every show that involves a "hero" or anyone of exceptional talent. Think of that movie when someone finally turns a corner and realizes that no matter how small, how seemingly insignifigant, their ability to accept the gifts and curses they were given to do the job they were born or destined to do stands up, sees the obstacles and pummels them.

It's a great moment.

Back to the reunion. All I had to say was "my bad ass offices" and someone jumped all over me. All I had to do was say "no thanks, I'm going to do my thing and throw a party" and people (not all), were offended. It's funny, it's frustrating and it's incredible to me that it matters. Let's throw 40 parties, we had over two thousand kids in my graduating class. What struck me is that anyone would object or try to "take over" twenty years after high school. I haven't gone to any reunions but through the gifts of Facebook, time, therapy and great people, I've come to a point where I want to see some of the people I knew and, yes, I want to share what I've been up to.

I'm kind of a bad ass. Self proclaimed, yes but... A few people would agree and that was enough for Hot Rod. It's enough for me. You see, if I don't accept that I was given certain gifts, talents and past experiences for the work that seems to be laid right out before me, it's not all been for nothing, but... I won't be fulfilled.

When I look at it too personally, it's nuts. To see what's been put in my path and at the same time be in these times and with my limitations. I have to protect a certain level of confidence lest I lose all hope and fail. Pretty tough but them's the breaks.

So... I don't accept consistent weakness in myself.

I have to decide to be that bad ass and then create my world to reflect and support my works.

I break down, I freak out, I cry. But in the interim, I call people far above my pay grade and offer my services in exchange for education and opportunity. I learn about everything I can. I speak to so many people without much consideration for their vibrational or social level in life and take their words with me. I talk openly with far too many people and share too much, knowing it could come back to me but hoping it does with purpose, one way or another.

This next phase is and is going to be difficult. Likely the most difficult of my life so far but it's based on purpose. It's what has been given to me. It's what I want to be doing. It's what I'm capable of and.. if I fail, it will only be partially.

To live, to be bold, to tell people you are proud of what you have accomplished is to honor those around you, the Universe and all that you feel has given you light and life. This is my opinion.

Proclaim who you are.
Don't get stuck on it.

To progress is to evolve.
Be an Evolutionary.


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