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Time Change

 It’s time. Time and nature is fundamentally changing, and we’re changing with it.

Have you seen the news about increased solar energy, radio waves from the Universe and the information about the 5th Dimension? We’re going, and it’s important to know, all of these recent discoveries have been there, we had to get here to know of them - and now it’s time to integrate.
Emmanuel Jal with Jennifer Mason Mitchell
Emmanuel Jal, A Creator of Peace
with me, Jennifer Mitchell


What do I mean by integrate? I mean, listening to what we know to be true and ignoring all else. Immersing ourselves in the love and joy that exists in this space and this time and letting it bring us, literally, physically- to what’s next.

Backstage with Tim Cook
Silicon Slopes 2021

Integrating means talking to nature, listening to the stars and manifesting the life you know you need. It’s balancing your dark and light sides, holding true to the whole that is you, and knowing you are loved. It’s letting go of that which doesn’t serve you and looking to your health, your human temple, and working to become like the lightest of filters, to experience the wholeness of creation and the fullness that is the truth in all moments.

On a habits and motions level, this means purifying and structuring your water, which is what holds most of you here, and also bringing that you up in vibration, through the eating of quality foods, participation in outdoor activities and with other beings. Bugs, birds, people - all of these are acceptable. The point is to give and receive love, transmit as much as you can, so you can go with. 

I did an experiment long ago that is simple to repeat. I don’t know what your results will be, but here’s what I did. I turned on steam (a shower would work, but costs us more as humans) sat very close to a mirror - cross legged in the sink. I lit a candle and looked at my pupils. I held my gaze there until the entire mirror was steamed and, to my surprise, there were two places on the mirror where my eyes were. This means an increase or decrease in temperature, and a change in the environment that came from my eyes. I changed the temperature of matter through my gaze, this means I do have powers I could not see. So do you.
All natural algae reduction by my product
at Pace Ranch, Park City, Utah
Treated and Untreated with

Focus on what you want and where you are headed. See the places in your mind’s eye and then fix your physical gaze to the sights, people and activities that will support it. All the space in the Universe, the so called dark matter, is unrealized potentials. Use that and find your ability to manifest like all the self-help books have been talking about. It’s literal, physical but comes with a caveat.

You have to know what you want - and it has to be supported by your choices and the substances you choose. The foods, beverages and other additions to your body, all affect the abilities of the brain. The wrong choices block essential pathways - pain and suffering are essential to growth - and inhibit the ability to think clearly. They also may slow your systems down so far that they can’t function properly. Some will make it hard to sleep, which throws off the resetting of inertial frames of reference. Focus and make the changes you need and the rest will show up.


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