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Time Dilation or Which is better, fast or slow?

Let's talk about time dilation.

First off, what is it? 

Wikipedia says:

Time dilation is the difference in elapsed time as measured by two clocks, either due to a relative velocity between them (special relativity) or due to a difference in gravitational potential between their locations (general relativity). When unspecified, "time dilation" usually refers to the effect due to velocity.

Now, let's add the human and non human elements. Time dilation occurs between all things - we're all "clocks", keeping our own pace with the Universe through our energy and matter, which vibrates in relation to our environment (including the Stars and spaces between); the other multi-dimensional 'clocks' around us; and within ourselves, our internal clock.

How are these frequencies created? 

For those that didn't love science (I was one of them), here's the basics. Everything pulsates or waves as an energy body. There's energy hitting energy everywhere and that creates vibrations. Light, sound or water based, for our purpose here. When we're in our mother's womb, we hear things through fluids and float in them. Then we get bigger, lose space and connect physically with her. When we emerge, we are hit with all the things that exist, in direct relation (and energetic proportion to) where we are at. These different waves come in voices, visuals and through touch. The stars that were out, the sun and the moon, the humidity and the physical structures, all hit us upon our immersion into this world, on a physical level, setting our 'ticking' to a different frequency than just moments before. We respond to those things at a cellular level, commingling them in our selves, where they are greeted by our hairs, skin, open or closed pores, glands, blood and the nutrients in our system, including bones. These resonate. They develop as we do. They change when we alter our diet, have a physical accident or move around the planet. We 'pick up' on different emotions, thoughts and sights. We encounter different foods and add to the frequencies, amplifying those we frequent more than others. We live harmoniously, or not harmoniously, with those environments that we engage through. They affect our (and others') internal resonance and, thus, what we put out. Give, receive. 

As these vibrations change, our time dilation, the "ticking", changes. It speeds up and slows down, it aligns with ideas, people and foods, places. We get 'in the zone' and seem to (I believe we do) bend time. We speed up and slow down in the various dimensions in which we act, leaving blips and waves, in light and physical matter that carries our DNA, everywhere we go.

This global symphony of beings coalesces. We come together and, for better or worse, and we create something- all the somethings that are our collective experience. Weather it's harmonious and bringing about delightful sounds of soft winds and calm ocean waves, with happy, healthy people spreading health, light and high dimension ideas (also dynamics is a good word here); or creating chaos through opposing systems, the weighing of the air through particulates, the slowing of the ocean through foreign masses, causing chaos and the thrashing of it's inhabitants - is up to the whole. All of us coexist, and all of us resonate or clash with the whole.

So, what's that got to do with time dilation?

Let's take a step, way back, and envision all of the beings and rocks, the fish and the stars, as these little waves and pulses, moving at the speed that they do, when interacting with all of the other bodies. We are all (seemingly) moving through a "space-time" where we take snapshots of reality, called inertial frames of reference, which is more complex than I'll dive into here, but let's say, to simplify, that these are the measurements or the relative space between things. They calculate what I can only describe as the "right now". and now. And again. You're reading these words, so references to ideas, thoughts and feelings you've had in the past, which are stored in that cellular memory I mentioned, come up while reading. The now calls on those reference points to calculate the relation between you and what is. 

You with me? 

So, we define what is, in the now, with these various reference points from our past (personal and collective), which gives us our relation to that.. whatever. This is what we'd say is our understanding. It's why we can't all just agree. We all have some shared, and some different, reference points to generate that inertial frame of reference that gives us the shared, and our personal, now.

Now, let's add a dynamic. We'll say, a slow versus a fast paced life. In the slow life example, let's say an older couple, calm and in the mountains, lives at one with nature, providing local food and resources for themselves. They visit each other, read and participate in music and general quality living. They work physically hard, but they rest well.

Then, there's the fast paced life - the one where a busy professional is on the road a lot. This person lives off food from wherever they are, taking supplements and drinking water to keep up on energy. They talk to those around them, and rarely get into nature. This person reads short clips, watches videos, texts most personal interactions and gets little physical labor, and, though they are always moving, they rarely sleep.

Which is "better"? Which is more "real"?

So, the answer is as dynamic as the Universe we have and do, and will, live in. The couple is deeply steeped in the physical world. They live in a solid space, with refined and limited chemicals, substances and information coming in. This clears up their physical space, where they can "tick faster" in terms of the overall, Universal 'clock' that is our combined inertial frames of reference. They are slow, but their energy is able to flow well, and they live harmoniously within the whole, as a result.

The individual that's always moving is 'ticking' at a very high speed. They live in a more thought and light based world, with less physical to keep them grounded. They don't stay in one space, so their energy is all over, creating little blips and waves all over. With the couple, we didn't add that all actions have an equal but opposite reaction, but here's a visual. What you put out, comes back. If what you put out is far, it takes time and energy for that to get back to you, slowing your overall energy. The Older couple will get back what they put our much faster than this person, which also raises their overall frequency. This person, though, gets less back on a daily, and sleeps less. They resonate fast, but they also move fast, which requires less processing time for their "now". 

Now, let's add in what happens when we sleep.

When we do a lot that is physical, we need more sound rest. More on that word another time. So, sound sleep that comes after labor feels deep, muscles are repaired and things process. When we do little physical labor, we take less rest and feel restless. Another great word. We need less processing, less from the physical world and so our sleep tunes us to the environment in which we are in, in response to the energy we have and omit, creating a space in sleep where we re-adjust to the overall Universal 'clock' through the water, light, sounds and feel of our environment. Less energy is needed, physically, for the person who moves fast. 

And... a step further. "I slept like a rock" is a phrase we use, but do rocks sleep? Well, if we look at the principals above, a rock is similar to all of us "clocks" in a lot of ways. It moves, expands and contracts (or breathes), takes in and expels water, degrades and returns to the sand and dust, particles and so on. A rock, you could say, sleeps slowly. It's resonance, it's vibration, is slow and three dimensional. When we sleep "like a rock", we slow down and attune to the physical. Inertial frames of reference come together in our sleep, in response to our energetic levels. It's when our shield drops and all that we have done and are calling to us, intentional or not, comes to us. When we use a lot of non-physical energy, what we put out and what our body needs, also attunes to the overall environment, sending us the energy needed to sustain that which is, in terms of blips of inertial frames of reference, created in the moments we are omitting our frequencies.We get energy between these blips, that hold us in alignment with the whole.

Neither is better.

Unless. You let it go too far...

For the older couple, let's say one of them gets lazy. They drink the milk from the cow the other cares for. They eat the foods that are sewn and bred and cooked into meals. They indulge in the resting and reading, spend time enjoying the environment, but not putting anything much, back into it. Their interactions slow. Their blips disappear and it's more of just the waves (think thought and action as light versus digestion and "going with the flow" as waves, or water. The active person will have interactions that release and return energy from more spaces, and more dynamic ones. The one that gets lazy, will slow down their 'ticking' and only attune to those things with which they interact. They will be stimulating only a couple of systems, or streams, of vibrating energy. They will lose dimension.

Once it goes too far, the lazy one will likely die. Unless there's an accident, it's likely the one who slows down will lose touch with the surrounding reality, or with the inertial frames of reference that are moving within the general stream of interactions. 

Conversely, if someone starts thinking too much, eating too little and sleeping almost not at all, they "move" faster than the general field of reference. They are "ticking" super fast and interacting with a lot more frames than the other, relative species. They will go the other direction, also likely to die, but of different circumstances. Or lose touch with reality, and become "insane" - seeing things that may exist only to them, we aren't able to see their reference points because they are literally, "beyond" us.

We won't get into how time doesn't actually exist, or deep into the meaning of the death I speak of for both unfortunate examples above (they just fall out of relation to the whole, and don't exist to us anymore, but you get the idea. Maybe?). We create a harmony when we are at peace with each other. When we are in our piece of this space, working in our dimensions of being, to keep ourselves clear and able to resonate with the energies with which we'd like to be relative to.

Dang, I love words.

I hope I was clear, it all started with a really good night's sleep, one where I slept like a rock.



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