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Quantum relativity, my thoughts after 22 years of studying thinking on it

A Hypothesis on the relation of all things, and the absence of dark matter.

Hypothesis: everything exists. Nothing does not. The appearance and physiological traits of any quantum particle, remain muted, until interacted with through an energetic force.

Once energy hits, a quantum particle, its inherent qualities come to like, augmented by, and for the interaction.

Each interaction type, causes quantum particles to behave and grow/deplete/mutate differently than other interaction types.

Interaction types include







All reverberate differently, with varied reactions, and in line with both Newtonian physics and relativity.

If something is not relevant, it stays muted in a seeming void, which is actually all that is, was, and will be.

When it is relative to an energy source, it becomes active, changeable to other areas/acts:aspects of energy. It grows, or depletes indirect response.

The mean

Upon the dark, formless void.

From the darkness, there was light, through thought, (electrical), e/motion (chemical), and sound, creating an initial matrix of existence, and points of perception. Each energetic interaction influenced all particles, creating every possible outcome as potential.

Synchronicity of energetic interactions occur when energy is called to its source, pulling in the relative streams of energy.

Amplification occurs through synchronicity.



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