For the last part of 2011, I suggest on my Facebook page and will duplicate the suggestion here, that you clean out your spaces. From offices to people, from thoughts to visualizations, it's time to clean up anything that stands between you and your goals for the future. 2012 is going to be monumental-where do you want to be?
Head into that office space, tackle the filing cabinet and get an orderly system together so that you can be successful and calm while you complete tasls and meet goals. You will feel better and more focused if you know where your working items are and your space will be supportive of you meeting your goals and making it through obstacles. Put up an old fashioned calendar to keep you reminded of important dates and meeting times before they get there. Think of what you will need to succeed and contact anyone you could use for advice and mentoring.
Your thoughts will create your reality and if there are any blank spaces or questions, use your social media or get out to meet people in your local area. Strike up conversations with the people around you, talk to people about what you are doing and what your goals are. Think them through but don't be rigid. Clear out any people in your life that are not supportive. Let them know where you are headed and why. It's important to have the proper support and if you don't already have it, find it or make it yourself. Keep pictures, video and notes of your successes and put them where you will see them. Pat yourself on the back and compliment your own efforts.
See your success. Really know what it will look like when you are working hard and realizing your true talent and lifestyle. What is your optimum life? Is it being home more with your kids? Is it owning a jet or traveling to foreign places? Maybe it's a simple life with the necessities taken care of for the next few generations. No matter what you are setting out to do and accomplish, visualize and clear until the new year arrives. Yes, you can work now as well, but the end of the year is a great time in the cycles to really clear the way to lay your path.
Head into that office space, tackle the filing cabinet and get an orderly system together so that you can be successful and calm while you complete tasls and meet goals. You will feel better and more focused if you know where your working items are and your space will be supportive of you meeting your goals and making it through obstacles. Put up an old fashioned calendar to keep you reminded of important dates and meeting times before they get there. Think of what you will need to succeed and contact anyone you could use for advice and mentoring.
Your thoughts will create your reality and if there are any blank spaces or questions, use your social media or get out to meet people in your local area. Strike up conversations with the people around you, talk to people about what you are doing and what your goals are. Think them through but don't be rigid. Clear out any people in your life that are not supportive. Let them know where you are headed and why. It's important to have the proper support and if you don't already have it, find it or make it yourself. Keep pictures, video and notes of your successes and put them where you will see them. Pat yourself on the back and compliment your own efforts.
See your success. Really know what it will look like when you are working hard and realizing your true talent and lifestyle. What is your optimum life? Is it being home more with your kids? Is it owning a jet or traveling to foreign places? Maybe it's a simple life with the necessities taken care of for the next few generations. No matter what you are setting out to do and accomplish, visualize and clear until the new year arrives. Yes, you can work now as well, but the end of the year is a great time in the cycles to really clear the way to lay your path.
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