I have an education funding business plan that will be know this year as... 'The Resolution.' Those around me may be tired of hearing about it, a lot of time and energy has been pumped ito it. I've had everyone from Utah Angels to the Mayor of Salt Lake review the business plan. They gave me great feedback, input and told me to keep going. I brought it to three school districts and they did the same. I found all of the resources and people necessary and put them on standby while I rounded up the means to develop the software for the residual education funding program I'd developed in an Ah Ha! moment. Here's the story. I'd been an entrepreneur since I could remember. My parents worked hard, then bought and ran their own businesses. I was included in in a lot of discussions, meetings and creative sessions while also cleaning employee bathrooms, sending invoices and labeling thousands of envelopes in my early years. I had many enterprises and by 22, I was de...
Writings and artwork from Jennifer Lynn Mitchell. Purpose - Clean Earth - We the People - My Adventures - My Stories