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Announcing iJar

or My Education Funding Business

Ureka! It's taken a lot of work to figure out the process flow, market potential, contacts, programming and more but it has all come together - with the final piece being a great name and brand. I love the name iJar and the feeling that I had little to do with it's popping into my head. Much like when you get told about automatic writing or other feats of the faithful, it feels good, best even, to not be wholly responsible for the
creation of something so much more important than your role.

Let me digress a bit.

iJar is an evolution of the education funding business I've been working on. Let's say that it started at a time when I was completely open to influence. Asking for guidance from those I'd only dare to have observed in the past, I also spent time having conversations with birds and staring at blank canvas. I wrote more than I painted when my hand finally started moving and soon I moved to my notepad. I'd been living away from my daughter who was in Orange Countyat the time and worried about the way that the education system was going. More than worried I suppose - I can see now that it was truly bothering me. I was concerned to the extent that a great moment came when I saw a business structure, concept and had the motivation to dive in. I wrote ideas for the program, came up with a scientific hypothesis that I only now realize is also relevant to the program and it's brand. I prayed for and found my Imp of curiosity in the garage one morning and the beautiful creature let me pick it up, feed it then one day disappeared. I was inspired when building a program that would open up new doors for our children and the future of our country and I could see it's affects and support all around me.

Now, years later, iJar is a movement of it's own - bringing sighs of relief from the hundreds of parents and educators I 've done validation and testing with and looks of interest from even the most intimidating political and business leaders I've presented to. The name iJar is new and the reason for my excitement today. The perfection and beauty of it is akin to the business itself and I'm proud that it will incorporate my family name, the state in which I was born and my birth month expressed through Kabbalah. The combination of these factors will be like braided threads through the brand, evoking feelings of productivity, accomplishment of the impossible and stability.

The logo is a Mason Jar, with bees buzzing around, picking up sweet, sweet money and dropping it into the virtual jar. The business is now starting to generate income for schools, families, teachers, iJar and businesses both large and local. Phonetically speaking, it has two strong consonants and is easy to remember (think FedEx, Kinko's, Google, Post It, Q Tip...). All in all, I think it's a great name and I've reserved the dot biz for it's domain.

iJar dot bizz.

Exciting step forward.

The website is up and undergoing rapid changes now that the branding is finished. For information or if you'd like to be a part of upcoming press releases or testing, please feel free to comment or message me.

Have a fantastic day and here's to the future of our schools!


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