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Stop Insulting Karma or Building Your Web of Allies

One of my least favorite sayings is that "Karma is a bitch". Not only is it telling of the person saying it, it's just not true. Karma, good or bad, can provide a clarity of our true self as well as a path for moving forward.

Like many, throughout my life, I've had the opportunity to examine my past, define where I am headed and tap into what I call my Web of Allies. Having come from an incredible family and having had a bright childhood filled with books, nature and curiosity, my young adult life came as a surprise. Without the love I was used to and faced with challenges, abuse and anger I was unaccustomed to, I fell into times of self pity. Though I was able to stay motivated enough to get out of the situations, there still came a time when I felt like someone that even I wouldn't like to know. I turned on myself and allowed depression to become an excuse for a lack of focus and drive. I blamed people that had hurt me or who I thought were responsible for the situations I wasn't prepared to cope with. Though I do understand that we all make decisions and those decisions have the ability to impact those around us, I did have to accept that my fate and direction in life was a result of my own decisions, aka, karma. I had flaws, just like everyone else and even though not all flaws seem to be so, there are opportunities for failure in even the most well intentioned efforts.

Karma is an ally, a guiding light that can show us not only what has come of our past but also how our world works with our individual traits. Karma has the ability to find our fatal flaws, show them to us and to provide a way to amplify our strengths, build on our personal history and navigate the ever changing world. In life, we put out energy, we process information and respond (even a non response could be considered a response) and we receive results based on our individual decisions.

I've asked people in my life what they thought their biggest mistakes were, their worst moments and I've been surprised at some of the answers. Some individuals I wished I'd asked sooner, others I felt terrible for because their seemingly minor infractions have caused years of anguish, self doubt and depression. These personal and internal feelings have a way of seeping into our reality, holding us back from greatness and love, disabling our ability to live life to the fullest. For example, if I were to spend all of my time brooding over my errors, reflecting on what I should or should not have done, I would be unable or unwilling to see and accept the stream of incredible love and fortune that comes my way. As a matter of fact, I can pinpoint times in my life when internal conversation or negative self reflection has eliminated opportunities to find success and I now continually make conscious efforts to be a better version of my past self. Not that I feel it's necessary, rather I feel it's inevitable if I am to be a productive, thoughtful and giving person in this incredible life. I know I've limited myself in the past and that I still sometimes create situations that hold me back, but I push through them, no matter how uncomfortable. I listen to others and try to reply "thank you" to compliments though those can be two of the hardest words to say if you have decided to be critical (they are also an insult to the giver of the compliment if you think about it. You are telling them they are not correct in their assumptions.).

When you look at your life and the people, things and experiences you are have now, might I suggest seeing the truth in where you are, how you got here? Even if you are not where you want to be or have imagined yourself should be, karma can be an excellent indicator of how to move forward. If you are truly happy and feel your life is fulfilling, remember to thank your Universe, reality and self for all you have been given and all you've become. We are treasure troves of incredible wonder and karma can enable your fortune to grow, your ability to increase and your true self to amplify. Karma can be a best friend, and rightfully so. Use it to build on your own Web of Allies, to find those people who truly know who you are, accept you and allow you to accept them. Build on your self trust and enable others to do the same, you may be surprised at the gifts that karma sends your way.


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