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Social Construct meets Change

Today was filled with surprises. So many people willing to mis-represent themselves in order to get something in return. Some accolade, some position, money or a sense of loyalty. I say, if you must mis-represent yourself at any turn, perhaps you should consider that the ends do not justify the means and there is no true, real or valuable mis-representation.

In discussing the social situations that seem to be changing at a remarkable pace, I spent a lot of yesterday evening talking about male/female relations and what the ideal wife and husband would consist of in addition to what we must evolve into. The ideal wife, in my and many-a-man's opinion is, among other things is: submissive; compassionate; loyal; knowledgeable. An ideal husband may have differing qualities, but all women want: leadership; confidence; intelligence and security. But times have and continue to change.

We are headed for social, environmental and internal evolution. Just a few generations ago, women didn't work. This meant that women did not require and were not admired for their Independence, definition or social position. Now, both parties need to work, whether married, dating or otherwise. Both the man and woman have to define and enable themselves in order to be successful, survive or help their family and peers.

How long will we maintain and continue to watch statistics disprove the majority? Why do we watch society, social systems, beliefs and the like fail when a simple and quick look at history will prove that we, en mass and in our enthusiasm, define reality.

Mis-representation means the wrong path. Reality is our joint and congruent perceptions and only has the emotional, confident backing of reality if it is cohesive with nature and our global evolution.

We are responsible for our individual selves and the assistance of the evolution of the individuals in our locale. Be true in your associations, relations and profession. Watch those who are willing to do the same flourish in your connection. Enable change.


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