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Showing posts from 2011

Last Minute Christmas Card Idea

Christmas cards have likely gone out to business contacts, faraway friends and others, but for those close to you whom you haven’t purchased a gift, why not include a delicious dinner or dessert? Not the whole thing, just a recipe! At novelty stores, grocery stores, card shops, there are recipe cards. Cute or witty, plain or serious, get a stack and write out some of your favorite recipes. Put the card in your Christmas card and voila! A great gift to last and last. Don’t have a favorite recipe? Here’s one that went our to some special people this year: (Full Article).....

Keeping Social Media in Focus

After helping a close contact set up some social media, I realized that one key to success in marketing online is keeping your efforts on track and in focus. Here is an exerpt from an article I wrote this morning or click to read the whole social media article . Profile names, passwords, and rankings can get jumbled and your efforts may get watered down if you spread yourself too thin. If you are new to online media, it can be intimidating with the plethora of options available. Here is five ways to stay focused and keep your efforts on the right track. 1. Identify your goals. Do you want to create brand awareness or highlight brick and mortar locations? Maybe you want to build value in a dot com or become a social media guru. Regardless of what your goals are, list them, refine them and research the best ways to turn them into a reality. Write them down and keep them handy. Type them out and use them as a screensaver. Set appointments in your phone and get daily reminders...

Clearing out your spaces

For the last part of 2011, I suggest on my Facebook page and will duplicate the suggestion here, that you clean out your spaces. From offices to people, from thoughts to visualizations, it's time to clean up anything that stands between you and your goals for the future. 2012 is going to be monumental-where do you want to be? Head into that office space, tackle the filing cabinet and get an orderly system together so that you can be successful and calm while you complete tasls and meet goals. You will feel better and more focused if you know where your working items are and your space will be supportive of you meeting your goals and making it through obstacles. Put up an old fashioned calendar to keep you reminded of important dates and meeting times before they get there. Think of what you will need to succeed and contact anyone you could use for advice and mentoring. Your thoughts will create your reality and if there are any blank spaces or questions, use your social media or ...

Jennifer Lynn Consulting on Facebook

I have decided it's time to branch off my social media into the consultative and professional/personal directions that make sense. For my new facebook page, I will be discussing media from traditional to social to guerrilla, relating experiences that can help your business or brand and dig into what the future seems to hold for online. Click over and like my new page to be kept in the loop and get valuable information on how to track and add to your success.

My School and I Moves forward

My School and I is a business being built to fund schools from the inside out. With the help of consumers, we can fund, grow and sustain our schools and quality of education. The business idea has been in development for some time now and partnerships are being formed. What can you do to help? Help me by visiting the site, sending me the contact information for your school's district or for your charter school and by buying through the links on the My School and I domain. Soon there will be another link where individuals will be able to sign up for their own page, get a log in for the school purse and earn money for themselves! Thank you for your support while we grow and watch for upcoming evolutions to help fund our schools and families!

The Final Push_A Countdown to the Transitional 2012

It's Black Friday and now there is a push of energy until the end of the year. Self assigned and socially instituted goals and timelines impact us all as we rush to the finish-whatever that finish may be. Maybe it's Christmas or the New Year. Maybe it's finishing projects that have been put in motion. Perhaps it's finishing up with a cycle. Regardless of the goal, here are a few tips that might help out in the final days of 2011. Keep your cool . If you get wound up or feel anxious and pressured, do things consciously to remind you to stay cool . It doesn't really matter what would potentially happen if you don't, it's what won't happen that matters here. You meeting your goal. Since everyone learns differently, think about your personality and what you respond to and get creative.      For a:      Physical person , get a stone or crystal that represents calm or happiness and keep it in your pocket everyday. Don't have a pocket? Keep it where...

Being Thankful to Your Food _ or _ How Our Energy Affects the Outcome

When we cook, we should be grateful for the turkey we have, the vegetables that were picked for our enjoyment and the fresh beverages that wash it all down.  Why, though?  Is it because we feel for the turkey who died or are we to be grateful it had the opportunity to be consumed and provide us with vital energy? Either way, how we feel and how we treat our foods tends to affect the outcome, the taste and the overall enjoyment of our food. Perhaps it's because our subtle energies affect the subtle energies around us.  Maybe it's because if we are paying attention to what we are preparing, we do it more carefully, with conscious effort and the result is better. Either or both ways, our gratitude affects our meal, the people we share it with and the holiday or occasion on which we were brought together for such an opportunity.  I am at anothers' house this holiday season so I will be preparing little, but when I cut up my fruit for the traditional fruit salad (Chec...

New Email List

I am putting together an email list and will be starting up a bi monthly newsletter to allow me to stay in better touch with all of those I've had the opportunity to work with or know. The newsletters will contain interesting items in e or more of these five realms. Society; media; promotion(s); feedback; random. There's five topics because I like the number and because I have to have a wide reach or I'll get bored. I'd also welcome topic ideas if there is anything you'd like to hear about. The first issue we will feature: Age and social perception PayPerClick marketing A local promotion A survey A quotable quote If you'd like to sign up, submit your email . If I already have your card, you will likely get an opt in email in the next couple of days. 

EchoSign for a better business

If you have a business that requires signed agreements and quick processing, use EchoSign. Recently acquired by Adobe, EchoSign is a smooth and easy to use system that will save you time and lost contracts. All you have to do is get an account, upload your agreements and enter the contact information for the agreement. EchoSign does the rest. It sends, gets it signed and tracks how fast you get your responses. If you don't get a response, set reminders to keep you and your clients on track. I have used EchoSign many times and recommended them to many great businesses-I'd suggest you give it a look!

Get Miso Soup for Radiation, Plus 9 Other Items to Keep On Hand

I know there is a lot of panicking. I might look to be doing the same. Here are a few of the things that calmed me down and move to the next step in getting ready. I recogignized where I was at. What the realistic dangers are and what my current situation is. Then I made a quick mental list and started on a physical list of what else I need to get ready for the just in case. I realized I am in America. Whether the citizens of today like it or not, we provide aid around the world. This means that should something happen at home, we need to be prepared to take care of it ourselves. Help others and our country will do well . Community is a necessity and the healthier and happier those around you are, the better your environment will be. Enjoy my latest article with 10 things you should have on hand for now, including Miso Soup. Peace. Jennifer

The first wrap up article

There are some great participants and I have met a lot of cool people during the campaign. Since I'm still kind of new back to Utah, it gave me some new ideas and perceptions about my home state. Also, it made me super antsy to travel again! I love the states, love road trips and airports and can't wait to get my school program running to re-tour the states. I heven't been to them all just yet and would love, love to get a cool RV of my own.

Minute to Win It Comes To Utah

The first article there is a self promoting one. I wrote a couple other articles, too. I wrote these mostly for the great people I met. They've gotten a kick out of them, but we also didn't post this anywhere mainstream. See the title article here and there is a second article with interviews and the like.

Shameless self promotion

I love free-press-release for self promoting news. It's news to those around me and I only really post it to my sites, but it's got a great layout and it's easy to share.

Popchips top posted article

This article has gotten the most hits. I just posted on a free PR site, but it will be online for good so the company should get a lot of traffic and the others like it that I have posted. Popchips is almost finished up with the VP search. Click and vote here!

George Clooney-Not for politics?

February 23, 2011 by jenniferlynnmason Leave a Comment There was an article today on MSN’s Wonderwall about George Clooney not going into politics. Apparently he feels that “I drank the bong water” isn’t a good campaign slogan. What does this mean and is it true? I am setting up this blog and will be putting out other materials asserting that not only would the George Clooney’s of the world make good political leaders, but that they are in fact the type of people the populace needs as a voice. The word politics makes me feel like I should go wash my mouth out, but after reading the article about Clooney, I swallowed hard and looked the word up. Not surprising what I found, just appalled at what we as a global citizenship have allowed it to mutate into. Politics: “of, by or for the citizens” Sounds familiar. What are “the citizens?” Is it just Americans? The globe? Cultures we can communicate with or that we must interact with? By any standard, before the last Presidential el...

My School and I is growing!

I've mentioned this year will be huge - what a start! With much going on in global news, new media, and more, it is difficult for a curious creature like myself to stay focused and move forward each day. However, it is exciting to see progress already being made on what myself and others feel will be a socially important business. The foundation for My School and I is building and our first website is due to go online any day. Social media and an online donations portal will also hit the ground running with great supporters. Special thanks to Mayor Corroon, the Jordan, Granite and SLC school districts, Joy Howes and the many others who have reviewed and provided their valuable input. For 2011, there will be some lofty goals on my part. Ideally, a shift in perspective will occour and individuals and families will stop trying to "Save our Schools" and instead start to realize the potential to make them grow and truly enable our youth. With this in mind, I will continue to...

We are here!

My mom informed me how awesome this date is! 1/1/11. Neat! What a great New Year's eve party I had-new friends and people, lots of laughing and some adorable pictures of my little one. We are off to a great start and I am so happy to start this year! My little brother, Isaac, said something that made me super happy, too. He thinks every day should be treated with as much excitement as the New Year. That is a great idea. I like Monday's and Friday's-all the in between and after, too. He is right. Happy New Year! Light, Love, Peace and Joy.